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Expert Advice for EA FC 25 Team Defense

Similar to actual football, players in EA Sports FC emphasize and concentrate on attacking while doing a terrible job at defending. They are able to score some really beautiful and technical goals, yet they struggle to stop the opposition from simply stopping a basic set-piece. Even if you might score three goals in each game, you won’t win if you can’t stop the opposition from scoring five goals.

It is essential to recognize that while offense wins games, defense wins titles and competitions. Gamers like shelling out their FIFA coins for the finest offensive players, but in order to win, elite defenders must also be acquired. We’ll look at the top strategies for team defense in EA FC in this post.

Expert Strategies to Protect Your Squad in EA FC 25

You must be just as adept at attacking and defending with your squad if you want to play with composure and overwhelm your opponents.

It’s crucial to use your FC 25 money on players that provide your squad the ideal mix of attack and defense. Let’s look at some of the best strategies for enhancing your EA FC team’s defense.

Press the Jockey Button.

It’s crucial to use the jockey button when defending in the game. Using it will put the defense in a better position to stop the attacker and make interceptions simple. Maintain a safe distance of around one meter and bide your time until the assailant initiates contact. After that, apply more pressure and make an attempt to intercept the ball.

L2 is the jockey button if you’re playing on a PlayStation. Use caution while employing this as it decreases your defender’s agility. You don’t have to touch the jockey button every time, so practice timing your uses. Additionally, it comes in quite handy when facing swift and devious wingers.

Reduce Using the Tackle Button

The jockey button will typically be sufficient in defensive scenarios to wrest the ball away from the opposing attacker. If you are near enough to your opponent when you utilize the jockey, your defense will seize the ball from him. If you want to do this, you can avoid using the tackle button.

Given the likelihood of committing a foul when employing the tackle, it is best to utilize it sparingly. Unnecessary fouls raise the possibility of conceding a goal by giving the opposition free kicks in hazardous zones. Sometimes tactical fouls are required, but only use the tackle button when absolutely required.

Apply the Second Man Press.

In EA FC, you may press an attacker with the second man, which is useful for defense. Press the PS’s R1 button to deploy a second man to add more pressure to the attacker while on defense.

When the button is pressed, the defender will rush to push the attacker who is dribbling the ball once a green arrow appears on his head. When you are defending close to your penalty box and want to put more pressure on attackers, it is incredibly helpful. Use it sparingly to avoid giving potential attackers an opening.

Use As Little Slide Tackle As You Can

Use the slide tackle when you believe there is no other option and you are about to let up a goal. Because of the great danger of giving up a foul or penalty, it should only be used as a last resort.

You don’t always have to slide; clears, interceptions, and tackles are all useful. The opponent will quickly go even if you manage not to foul but fail to make the sliding tackle. As a result, only use it in dire situations, and timing it precisely.

Changing the master player

If your defense is lacking, think about upgrading your Ultimate Team with better defenders by purchasing FUT coins. You may take control of a defender close to the attacker and exert pressure with him by swapping players. To select between switching to a player near the ball or to another, go to the settings.

When your team has strong defenders, you’ll continue to play superior defense even when players change positions. Make sure you move to the appropriate player at the appropriate time, as surrendering a goal can also result from being a single second late.

Keep passing lanes covered.

If the other side possesses dangerous midfielders and ball passers, you must cover and close off passing paths. Make careful to cover passing lanes in the area behind the defense by putting players’ running lines in the way if the other team is countering.

Balls through are a good strategy to divide the defense. These passes must be anticipated, and you must ensure that the lane is blocked to prevent the pass from being completed. This also allows you to intercept passes and quickly switch from defense to offense.


Players are eager to play the new game, FC 25, which is set to arrive soon. Even while you may enjoy scoring headers, volleys, and other intricate strikes in the game, be sure you are also a master at defense. Defense is crucial if you wish to outperform opponents and perform better.

Additionally, if your squad lacks strength, think about purchasing elite players with FC 25 coins to strengthen your Ultimate squad’s offense and defense.

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