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How Can You Tell Whether a Virus Is on Your Smartphone?

Around the globe, nearly 84% of the population own a smartphone be it an Android or Apple iPhone. Undeniably smartphones made our lives super convenient. Regardless, even though having a smartphone benefited humans in thousands of ways. It also made us vulnerable to cyber-attacks with the help of malware and viruses.

One doesn’t even have to open a suspicious site for their phone to be attacked by a virus. When all you are doing is opening a malicious mail or downloading a file from a precarious website. It’s not like you will be able to see this virus or it will openly attack your phone somehow. This malware and viruses start rooting themselves deeply in your smartphone system that you never find out about unless you are going to run a virus scan on your phone.

If you would like to find out if your iPhone or even Android phone is under attack by any sort of virus then do continue reading this article to find every small detail regarding this topic.

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Signs to Look For When Trying to Locate the Virus

It’s not hard to find if your smartphone is infected by malware or virus. You always have to be aware of the signs that are going to indicate that your phone is under attack by a harmful virus and you should secure your phone immediately to stop the impact of the virus from further damaging your phone. Down below we are listing down all the signs that will help you find out if your phone was recently attacked by a virus or not?

  • Battery Life:- For unknown reasons, your battery life will start decreasing quickly. Even the charging process will take a longer time than it used to in the past.
  • App Crashing:- When you open an app and browse through it and all of sudden it shuts down and your screen goes back to the home screen or even turns black for some time.
  • Long Wait to Open App:- If you are opening a particular app and it is taking extra time to open up than it used to in the past. Even though your network is working perfectly. it can be a sign that your phone is attacked by some virus.
  • Overheating Issues:- Even when you don’t use your smartphone for more than an hour at a time and don’t leave your phone plugged in a charger unnecessarily. Still, your mobile phone manages to overheat and create a ruckus inside your phone software.
  • Unexpected Ad Pop-ups:- At some point in your life while using a smartphone. You must have witnessed there are some suspicious ads popping on your screen. Even when you don’t search for such content.
  • Excess Data Used:- When you are only using a limited amount of data from your daily data package and are still halfway through the day you see that you have already reached the data limit. It is always a little bit suspicious.

Whenever your smartphone is shown any of these signs that we have mentioned above. Therefore, undoubtedly your phone is under attack by malware or virus. However, you don’t have to panic when we will share some of our secrets on how to protect yourself from this malware and virus and clean your smartphone software.

  • The first thing that you can do is download the best-rated antivirus software app. Where some antivirus apps provide free services. It’s best to go with the premium antivirus software or app. Which will do a thorough inspection to protect your phone from the virus.
  • If you are an Android phone user. All you have to do is go to your phone settings and clear your phone storage and cache files. If you are an iPhone user then you should clear all of your browsing histories and website data.
  • You can also restart your iPhone. But if you are an Android phone user, first restart your phone and then enable the safe mode to stop third-party apps from working and damaging your phone.
  • Never download an app from a suspicious website or third-party app downloader. Even if you have already downloaded a dangerous app uninstall it immediately and scan your phone for virus and clean it.
  • The best solution is to remove every single virus. Back up all of your important files into your Google Account and after this factory reset your phone. This way you can restart from a clean slate and protect your phone.

Final Verdict:-  It’s common in every smartphone user’s life that from somewhere your phone ends up catching malware or virus. One can take precautions to prevent these events from taking place. However, there is always a new virus launched by cyber attackers and if we don’t update the software on time then your phone will always be under the threat of catching viruses. Keep your software updated and check the Quickmobile website for affordable smartphone repair services in case you will need help to fix your damaged phone.

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